Thoughts from the Artist...

A Quick Introduction!

A Quick Introduction!

Hey friends! For those that are new to my art or for those who haven’t met me yet personally, I wanted to introduce myself for just a second! First of all,...

A Quick Introduction!

Hey friends! For those that are new to my art or for those who haven’t met me yet personally, I wanted to introduce myself for just a second! First of all,...

A Little Bit Every Day!

A Little Bit Every Day!

It's easy to be overwhelmed with the to-do list and feel a little paralyzed. It's like standing at the bottom of Mt. Everest with a goal to reach the top...


A Little Bit Every Day!

It's easy to be overwhelmed with the to-do list and feel a little paralyzed. It's like standing at the bottom of Mt. Everest with a goal to reach the top...

Fresh Starts Begin with Remembering

Fresh Starts Begin with Remembering

...So why does an artist share this with you? Because art has a way of sealing those memories and centering us back to our foundation. I know this drawing is...

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Fresh Starts Begin with Remembering

...So why does an artist share this with you? Because art has a way of sealing those memories and centering us back to our foundation. I know this drawing is...

1 comment
Why The Right Frame Matters So Much

Why The Right Frame Matters So Much

One of the most difficult parts of the process of creating a lasting and quality piece of artwork is the final step of choosing the right frame! Why does the...


Why The Right Frame Matters So Much

One of the most difficult parts of the process of creating a lasting and quality piece of artwork is the final step of choosing the right frame! Why does the...

What Does Life Look Like For Me?

What Does Life Look Like For Me?

I’m often asked how I find the time to create art in the midst of all the other things I am involved in. My answer is usually the same: I...


What Does Life Look Like For Me?

I’m often asked how I find the time to create art in the midst of all the other things I am involved in. My answer is usually the same: I...

7 Reasons To Give Fine Art As a Gift

7 Reasons To Give Fine Art As a Gift

If you’re anything like me, there are people in your life that are really difficult to give gifts to. I’ve wandered store isles (usually at the last minute!) and scoured...


7 Reasons To Give Fine Art As a Gift

If you’re anything like me, there are people in your life that are really difficult to give gifts to. I’ve wandered store isles (usually at the last minute!) and scoured...